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We can help you explore a new career path, update your resume, return to work after parental leave and make a comeback after a career break. Jump in and take a look at our services and packages or enquire about a custom fit.

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When you feel stuck, unhappy or a bit lost at work, spend time 1:1 with one of our qualified career counsellors to design your career on purpose. We're here to help you discover work that fits.

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If you're looking for a new job or want to raise your professional profile, spend some time with us to refine and update your personal brand, and refresh your resume and LinkedIn.

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When you want a new gig we can help with your resume, cover letter, and interview prep. We can also share your details with the talent community. We're here to help you put your best foot forward.

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"I highly recommend Workpants for anyone who finds themselves at a career crossroads, looking for support and ideas on how to move forward."

- Gemma -

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